Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1568


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1567) | Next Year (1569)

unknown65.0Salvador AlepuzArchbishop of Sassari, Italy
unknown43.0Jean de BarbançonFormer Bishop-Elect of Pamiers, France
unknownJacopo CortesiBishop of Vaison, France
unknownFrançois du BourgBishop of Rieux, France
unknownCornelius MacArdelBishop of Clogher, Ireland
unknownAntonio NumaiBishop Emeritus of Isernia, Italy
unknownEugene O’Doherty (O’Dochartaid), O.S.A. †Bishop of Derry, Ireland
unknownGiovanni Angelo PeregriniBishop of Gravina (di Puglia), Italy
unknownAngelo RossiBishop of Alife, Italy
unknownThomas StanleyBishop of The Isles (Sodor), Scotland, Great Britain
unknownPeter Wall, O.P. †Bishop of Clonmacnoise, Ireland
6 Jan66.5Clemente d’Olera, O.F.M. Obs. †Cardinal, Bishop of Foligno, Italy
7 JanAndrás KövesBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
10 JanTommaso MilesioArchbishop of Cosenza, Italy
14 Jan75.0Miklós OláhArchbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
25 Jan71.0Guillaume de Pélissier (Pellicier)Bishop of Montpellier, France
1 Feb56.0Bartolomé de TorresBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
12 Feb94.1Rembert von KerssenbrockBishop of Paderborn, Germany
29 Feb71.1Fernando de Loaces (Loazes), O.P. †Archbishop of Valencia, Spain
15 MarJakub Dryaduschki, O.F.M. Obs. †Auxiliary Bishop of Poznań, Poland
4 Apr52.2Alessandro StrozziBishop of Volterra, Italy
14 AprBartolomé Sebastián de AroitiaArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain
27 Apr69.4Giovanni Michele SaraceniCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
30 Apr68.3Ludovico SimonettaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Pesaro, Italy
MayDavid Poole (Pole)Bishop
4 MayGuillaume VioleBishop of Paris, France
6 May60.3Bernardo SalviatiCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Papoul, France
9 MayEgidio Valenti, O.S.A. †Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
31 MayWolfgang WestermeyerAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
Jul60.5Lancelot de ClareBishop of Riez, France
1 Jul67.5Francois Bachaud (Bachodi)Bishop of Genčve {Geneva}, Switzerland
13 JulMichael EnglmayrAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
27 JulGabriele CesaniBishop of Saluzzo, Italy
15 Aug66.6Bernardino della Croce, B. †Bishop Emeritus of Como, Italy
15 AugFabrizio PignatelliBishop of Monopoli, Italy
18 AugOttaviano Praeconio, O.F.M. Conv. †Archbishop of Palermo, Italy
10 SepGian Antonio Fassano (Phassarus, Fasside)Auxiliary Bishop of Monreale, Italy
Oct61.7Hugh CurwenArchbishop Emeritus of Dublin, Ireland
28 OctGirolamo GallaratiBishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy
12 NovAntonio CancellaroArchbishop of Messina, Italy
14 Nov45.7Francesco Abbondio CastiglioniCardinal, Bishop of Bobbio, Italy
19 NovJean GrenonBishop of Grasse, France
19 Nov37.8Vitellozzo VitelliCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Cittŕ di Castello, Italy
27 Nov61.9Erasmus von LimburgBishop of Strasbourg, France
2 Dec75.9Bernardino Scotti, C.R. †Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Piacenza, Italy
8 DecKnud Henriksen Gyldenstierne (Syldensteiner)Bishop Emeritus of Odense, Denmark
9 Dec85.9Fernando ValdésArchbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
23 DecFriedrich zu WiedFormer Archbishop-Elect of Köln {Cologne}, Germany


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