Birthdate | Age | Name | Current Title |
15 Feb 1946 |
| Bishop Joaquín Mariano Sucunza | Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
21 Apr 1946 |
| Juan José Cardinal Omella Omella | Archbishop of Barcelona |
26 Oct 1947 |
| Bishop José María Yanguas Sanz | Bishop of Cuenca |
28 Jan 1948 |
| Bishop Sebastián Taltavull Anglada | Bishop of Mallorca |
31 May 1948 |
| Bishop Salvador Giménez Valls | Bishop of Lleida |
26 Jul 1948 |
| Bishop Joseph Maria Bonnemain, Opus Dei | Bishop of Chur, Switzerland |
24 Sep 1948 |
| Bishop Gerardo Melgar Viciosa | Bishop of Ciudad Real |
24 Jul 1949 |
| Archbishop Joan Enric Vives Sicilia | Bishop of Urgell |
31 Jul 1949 |
| Bishop Rafael Zornoza Boy | Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta |
18 Oct 1949 |
| Bishop José Manuel Lorca Planes | Bishop of Cartagena (en España) |
3 Nov 1949 |
| Bishop Josep Maria Abella Batlle, C.M.F. | Bishop of Fukuoka, Japan |
22 Dec 1949 |
| Bishop Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez | Bishop of Málaga |
15 Apr 1950 |
| Bishop Salvador Cristau Coll | Bishop of Terrassa |
5 Sep 1950 |
| Bishop José Cayetano Parra Novo, O.P. | Bishop of Santa Rosa de Lima, Guatemala |
28 Sep 1950 |
| Bishop Miguel Ángel Sebastián Martínez, M.C.C.I. | Bishop of Sarh, Chad |
10 Oct 1950 |
| Bishop Domingo Oropesa Lorente | Bishop of Cienfuegos, Cuba |
10 Nov 1950 |
| Bishop Casimiro López Llorente | Bishop of Segorbe-Castellón de la Plana |
5 Apr 1951 |
| Bishop José Vicente Conejero Gallego | Bishop of Formosa, Argentina |
10 Apr 1951 |
| Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru | Secretary of the Dicastery for Legislative Texts, Roman Curia |
21 Sep 1951 |
| Bishop Jesús Galeote Tormo, O.F.M. | Vicar Apostolic of Camiri, Bolivia |
23 Oct 1951 |
| Bishop Rafael Cob García | Vicar Apostolic of Puyo, Ecuador |
5 Feb 1952 |
| Bishop José Javier Travieso Martín, C.M.F. | Vicar Apostolic of San José del Amazonas, Peru |
12 Feb 1952 |
| Bishop Gilberto Gómez González | Bishop of Abancay, Peru |