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The Year of Our Lord 1943


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1942) | Next Year (1944)

2 Jan65.4Louis-Joseph FillonArchbishop of Bourges, France
6 Jan49.9Antoni Niemancewicz, S.J. †Apostolic Exarch of Belarus (Byzantine)
10 Jan68.9Joseph-Tobie Mariétan, C.R.A. †Abbot Emeritus of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
12 Jan76.4Ferdinando RodolfiBishop of Vicenza, Italy
19 Jan68.6Jean-Baptiste-Michel-Marie-Louis Pénicaud, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Pakhoi [Beihai], China
20 Jan81.0Johann Jakob von HauckArchbishop of Bamberg, Germany
26 Jan49.3Bl. Michaël KozalAuxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
26 Jan65.0Antoni Jacek ZimniakAuxiliary Bishop of Częstochowa, Poland
28 Jan91.7Lajos SzmrecsányiArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
31 Jan54.3Enrico Montalbetti, Obs. S.C. †Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy
18 Feb56.6Vicente Camacho y MoyaBishop of Tabasco, México
21 Feb63.2Joaquín Bienvenido Alcaide y Bueso, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Goajira, Colombia
21 Feb59.1Thomas Dioscoros (Thervalady)Bishop
25 Feb88.2Pierre ChatelusBishop Emeritus of Nevers, France
27 Feb84.3John Gerald Neville, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Zanzibar, Kenya
2 Mar55.9Rudolph Aloysius GerkenArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
4 Mar72.2François-Xavier Vogt, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Yaoundé, Cameroon
6 Mar52.4Fabian Yu Yuwen (Yu Teh-guen)Vicar Apostolic of Kiating [Leshan], China
11 Mar71.0Manuel Raimundo de MeloBishop Emeritus of Caetité, Bahia, Brazil
11 Mar52.9Angelo SoraccoBishop of Fossano, Italy
12 Mar66.1Jean-Baptiste Castanier, M.E.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Osaka, Japan
16 Mar76.7Hermann Joseph SträterAuxiliary Bishop of Aachen, Germany
17 Mar77.5Arthur HinsleyCardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
18 Mar83.0Arnold Frans DiepenBishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
19 Mar68.9Paolo CastiglioniAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
29 Mar67.0Ermenegildo PellegrinettiCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
30 Mar71.8Bernard Alexis Burquier, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
31 Mar63.1Joseph Casimir PlagensBishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
2 Apr83.3Franz Xaver Geyer, F.S.C.J. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Khartoum, Sudan
11 Apr86.9Federico Cattani AmadoriCardinal, Priest of Modigliana, Italy
13 Apr41.2Pál Napholcz (Napholz), S.J. †Priest of Society of Jesus
26 Apr83.3Albertus Odoricus Timmer, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Luanfu, China
14 May76.6Bartolomeo CattaneoApostolic Delegate Emeritus to Australia
15 May72.8(Jean-Marie-) Joseph Lebeau, M.S.C. †Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Gilbert Islands {Isole Gilbert}, Kiribati, Pacific (Oceania)
19 May69.5Luigi Maria Olivares, S.D.B. †Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
20 May80.6Ludwig SebastianBishop of Speyer, Germany
22 May70.7Joseph Bach, M.S.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Gilbert Islands {Isole Gilbert}, Kiribati, Pacific (Oceania)
27 May81.4Emanuel-Anatole-Raphaël Chaptal de ChanteloupAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, France
29 May78.6Georges-Prudent-Marie Bruley des VarannesBishop Emeritus of Monaco
29 May72.6Sixto Sosa DíazBishop of Cumaná, Venezuela
31 May52.6Alexander (Oleksandr) Stojka (Stoyka)Bishop of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine
8 Jun63.8John Francis McNultyBishop of Nottingham, England, Great Britain
16 Jun75.2Thomas MulvanyBishop of Meath, Ireland
27 Jun66.6Edward Aleksander Wladyslaw O’RourkeBishop Emeritus of Gdańsk, Poland
8 Jul76.6Justinas StaugaitisBishop of Telšiai, Lithuania
12 Jul63.0Anton Theodor Fortunatus Spruit, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Luanfu, China
20 Jul83.6João Antônio PimentaBishop of Montes Claros, Brazil
28 Jul70.4Pierre-Macarie SabaArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Melkite Greek), Syria
29 Jul73.6Joseph Nicholas Dinand, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic of Giamaica o Jamaica, Antilles
29 Jul42.0Emilien Massé, P.M.E. †Prefect of Lintong [Lintung], China
12 Aug80.5Edward MulhernBishop of Dromore, Ireland
19 Aug88.8Mathias Clement LenihanBishop Emeritus of Great Falls, Montana, USA
21 Aug74.1Marián BláhaBishop of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
21 Aug85.3Eugène Victor Marie van RechemAuxiliary Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
24 Aug59.7Leandro Bautista AstelarraBishop of Bahía Blanca, Argentina
27 Aug42.6José Gaspar d’Afonseca e SilvaArchbishop of São Paulo, Brazil
30 Aug69.4Gyula GlattfelderBishop of Csanád, Hungary
30 Aug69.0Michael Joseph O’BrienArchbishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada
12 Sep71.8Giuseppe CastelliBishop of Novara, Italy
13 Sep74.9Francisco de Asís Vidal y BarraquerCardinal, Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
28 Sep65.4Juan José Maíztegui y Besoitaiturria, C.M.F. †Archbishop of Panamá
29 Sep78.7Émeri-Henri-Célestin Cambier, C.I.C.M. †Prefect Emeritus of Kasaï Superiore, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
29 Sep71.6Edward KomarAuxiliary Bishop of Tarnów, Poland
11 Oct45.1Secondo BolognaBishop of Boiano-Campobasso, Italy
11 Oct79.6Matthew Joseph BrodieBishop of Christchurch, New Zealand
27 Oct72.1Paolo AlberaBishop of Mileto, Italy
28 Oct71.5Louis-Nestor Renault, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Suifu [Yibin], China
31 Oct61.3Domenico EttorreBishop of Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Italy
Nov41.8Joachim Miyoichi IdeguchiApostolic Administrator of Yokohama, Japan
4 Nov69.7Vincenzo LapumaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
13 Nov83.5Pedro Adán (Pietro-Adamo) Brioschi, P.I.M.E. †Archbishop of Cartagena, Colombia
17 Nov80.9Eugenio BeccegatoBishop of Vittorio Veneto, Italy
17 Nov74.8Bonaventure Finbarr Francis BroderickAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba
18 Nov70.5Félix Bilbao y UgarrizaBishop of Tortosa, Spain
21 Nov69.7Gustave-Georges-Arsène Vandaele, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Hung Hoá, Viet Nam
25 Nov77.0Carlo CremonesiCardinal, Secret Almoner Emeritus of the Office of Papal Charities
8 Dec66.1Donald MackintoshArchbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
10 Dec62.6Edmond VansteenbergheBishop of Bayonne (-Lescar e Oloron), France
15 Dec72.3Emmanuel PharesTitular Bishop of Tarsus dei Maroniti
17 Dec76.0Mauro Caruana, O.S.B. †Bishop of Malta
18 Dec79.1Anselm Edward John Kenealy, O.F.M. Cap. †Archbishop Emeritus of Simla, India
23 Dec77.2Giovanni Menicatti, P.I.M.E. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Honan {Ho-Nan Settentrionale}, China
24 Dec90.9James William McCarthyBishop of Galloway, Scotland, Great Britain
25 Dec72.5Joseph (Ignatius) Shanahan, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale}
29 Dec68.8Francisco Javier de Irastorza y LoinazBishop of Orihuela, Spain


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