Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1967

Diocese Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1966) | Next Year (1968)

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13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Baie d’Hudson {Hudson Bay}, Manitoba, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Grouard, Alberta, Canada ElevatedArchdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, Alberta, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to an Archdiocese) Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Keewatin, Manitoba, Canada ElevatedArchdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to an Archdiocese) Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Labrador, Québec, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Labrador-Schefferville, Québec, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Baie de James {James Bay}, Ontario, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Moosonee, Ontario, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Elevated
13 JulArchdiocese of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada (Archdiocese without Suffragans) Territory Added
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Elevated
13 JulVicariate Apostolic of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada (Name Changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Elevated
22 JulNunciature to Netherlands (to Nunciature) Elevated
31 JulArchdiocese of Zamboanga, Philippines (Zamboanga dei Norte) Territory LostDiocese of Dipolog, Philippines Erected
1 AugSacred Consistorial Congregation, Roman Curia Name ChangedCongregation for Bishops, Roman Curia Name Changed
15 AugCongregation for Propagation of the Faith, Roman Curia Name ChangedCongregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Roman Curia Name Changed
15 AugCongregation of the Council, Roman Curia Name ChangedCongregation for the Clergy, Roman Curia Name Changed
15 AugAdministration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, Roman Curia Established
15 AugPrefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, Roman Curia Established
15 AugPrefecture of the Papal Household, Roman Curia Established
15 AugApostolic Datary, Roman Curia Suppressed
22 AugNunciature to India (to Nunciature) Elevated
12 SepDiocese of Velletri, Italy (Latinia) Territory LostDiocese of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy Territory Added
12 SepDiocese of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy Name ChangedDiocese of Terracina-Latina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy Name Changed
14 SepDiocese of Kingston, Jamaica, Antilles (Hanover, St. James, Westmoreland, St. Elizabeth, Trelawny, Manchester, and St. Anne) Territory LostDiocese of Montego Bay, Jamaica, Antilles Erected
14 SepDiocese of Kingston, Jamaica, Antilles ElevatedArchdiocese of Kingston in Jamaica, Antilles Elevated
14 SepPrefecture Apostolic of Kole, Congo (Dem. Rep.) ElevatedDiocese of Kole, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Elevated
26 SepDiocese of Martinique (Fort-de-France e Saint Pierre), Antilles ElevatedArchdiocese of Fort-de-France (e Saint Pierre), Martinique, Antilles Elevated
26 SepDiocese of Niangara, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Dungu) Territory LostDiocese of Doruma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory Added
26 SepPrefecture Apostolic of Doruma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) ElevatedDiocese of Doruma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Elevated
26 SepArchdiocese of Luluabourg, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Southern Part) Territory LostDiocese of Luiza, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Erected
26 SepDiocese of Luebo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Kabuluanda) Territory LostArchdiocese of Luluabourg, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory Added
26 SepArchdiocese of Luluabourg, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Ndekesha) Territory LostDiocese of Luebo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory Added
26 SepDiocese of Basse-Terre (et Pointe-à-Pitre), Guadeloupe, Antilles (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
6 OctDiocese of Monterey-Fresno, California, USA SplitDiocese of Fresno, California, USA
Diocese of Monterey in California, USA (Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and San Luis Obispo)
23 OctDiocese of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka Name ChangedDiocese of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka Name Changed
25 OctArchdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya (Taita) Territory LostDiocese of Mombasa, Kenya Territory Added
25 OctTerritorial Abbey of Peramiho, Tanzania (Ulanga) Territory LostDiocese of Mahenge, Tanzania Territory Added
25 OctDiocese of Mahenge, Tanzania (Songea and Mbinga) Territory LostTerritorial Abbey of Peramiho, Tanzania Territory Added
25 OctArchdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya (Garissa) Territory LostDiocese of Meru, Kenya Territory Added
25 OctDiocese of Mombasa, Kenya (Tana River) Territory LostDiocese of Meru, Kenya Territory Added
30 OctDiocese of Mahagi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name ChangedDiocese of Mahagi-Nioka, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name Changed
31 OctNunciature to Gabon Established
4 NovNunciature to Central African Republic Established
13 NovDelegation to Thailand, Laos and the Malacca Peninsula Name ChangedDelegation to Thailand, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore Name Changed
15 NovDiocese of Rancagua, Chile (Navidad and Pirque) Territory LostArchdiocese of Santiago de Chile Territory Added
15 NovDiocese of Tilarán, Costa Rica (Latin from Pluviensis) Name Changed
16 NovDiocese of Alajuela, Costa Rica (Cantón Esparta and part of Cantón Central Puntarenas) Territory LostDiocese of Tilarán, Costa Rica Territory Added
22 NovDiocese of Fort Rosebery, Zambia Name ChangedDiocese of Mansa, Zambia Name Changed
22 NovDiocese of Abercorn, Zambia Name ChangedDiocese of Mbala, Zambia Name Changed
23 DecTerritorial Prelature of Huehuetenango, Guatemala ElevatedDiocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala Elevated


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