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The Year of Our Lord 1926


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1925) | Next Year (1927)

13 Jan61.4Antonio Hernández y RodríguezBishop Emeritus of Tabasco, México
18 Jan49.0Émile-Alexandre-Joseph Devred, M.E.P. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Seul, Korea (South)
22 Jan75.4Andrés Machado, S.J. †Bishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
23 Jan74.1Désiré Felicien François Joseph MercierCardinal, Archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
26 Jan51.8Joseph Sarsfield Glass, C.M. †Bishop of Salt Lake, Utah, USA
12 Feb69.5Charles McHughBishop of Derry, Ireland
13 Feb56.2Edmund DalborCardinal, Archbishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland
14 Feb61.1Juan Bautista Benlloch y VivóCardinal, Archbishop of Burgos, Spain
16 Feb74.9Claude BardelBishop of Sées {Séez}, France
17 Feb75.0Ivan Borzatti de LöwensternAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
17 Feb68.5Jan Feliks CieplakArchbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
18 Feb58.6Giovanni Andrea MaseraBishop of Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italy
20 Feb66.2Paul-Eugène RoyArchbishop of Québec, Canada
21 Feb73.2Ignazio HomsiPatriarchal Vicar Emeritus of Damas (Melkite Greek), Syria
23 Feb55.6Ernesto CozziApostolic Delegate to Albania
23 Feb71.8Paul-Marie Reynaud, C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Ningpo [Ningbo], China
27 Feb79.6Agostino SiljCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
28 Feb88.1Giovanni Cagliero, S.D.B. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
5 Mar64.0Ramón Calvó y Martí, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of El Beni o Beni, Bolivia
13 Mar86.2Henri-Louis-Alfred BouquetBishop of Chartres, France
13 Mar75.9Hermann Joseph (Thomas) Esser, O.P. †Titular Bishop of Sinis
13 Mar62.1Jean-Paul Forbes, M. Afr. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Uganda
20 Mar63.3Americo BevilacquaBishop Emeritus of Alatri, Italy
26 Mar68.0Francisco María Cervera y Cervera, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Marocco o Marruecos, Morocco
26 Mar65.2Edward Denis KellyBishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
6 Apr85.4Juan Martín Janiz (Yáñez) y PazBishop of Santiago del Estero, Argentina
14 Apr69.3Natale BruniArchbishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy
14 Apr70.0Ramón Guillamet y ComaBishop of Barcelona, Spain
16 Apr71.8John Baptist Tuohill Murphy, C.S.Sp. †Bishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius
17 Apr86.9Antonio Adolfo Pérez y AguilarArchbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador
18 Apr73.4Karel WisnarAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc, Czechia
24 Apr61.6Angelico Antonio Zannetti, O.F.M. †Bishop of Bosa, Italy
25 Apr58.6Abel Juan Bazán y BustosBishop of Paraná, Argentina
5 May83.2Frederick EisBishop Emeritus of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA
5 May56.0Pedro Pascual Miguel y Martínez, O. de M. †Prelate of Bom Jesus do Piauí, Piaui, Brazil
7 May73.2Patrick DelanyArchbishop of Hobart, Australia
13 May68.7Libert Hubert Jean Louis Boeynaems, SS.CC. †Vicar Apostolic of Hawaiian Islands, USA
14 May44.8Geremia PascucciBishop of Trivento, Italy
18 May47.5José Joaquín Arteaga y San Julián, O.C.D. †Prefect of Urabá, Colombia
20 May83.5Martín García y Alcocer, O.F.M. Disc. †Bishop Emeritus of Cebu, Philippines
25 May71.4Marie Bertrand (Jean-Charles) Cothonay, O.P. †Prefect Emeritus of Lang Són et Cao Bang, Viet Nam
26 May66.1Rinaldo Camillo Rousset, O.C.D. †Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy
31 May83.5Félix-Adolphe-Camille-Jean-Baptiste GuillibertBishop of Fréjus, France
9 Jun65.9Georg GlosauerAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
9 Jun68.7Raymond-Marie-Turiaf de La PorteBishop Emeritus of Le Mans, France
14 Jun75.8Ignatius Brouwer, M.H.M. †Prefect Emeritus of Kafiristan e Kashmir, Pakistan
18 Jun79.2Jean-Marie Clerc, M.S.F.S. †Bishop of Vizagapatnam, India
19 Jun89.2Benedetto Maria della CameraTitular Bishop of Thermopylae
30 Jun83.4Giuseppe Salvatore ScattiBishop of Savona e Noli, Italy
16 Jul73.8Paul Wilhelm KepplerBishop of Rottenburg, Germany
17 Jul72.5Bernard CoyneBishop of Elphin, Ireland
20 Jul75.9Louis Couppé, M.S.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of New Pomerania, Papua New Guinea
24 Jul68.3Patrick FoleyBishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
6 Aug64.7Bernardo PizzornoBishop of Luni, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
15 Aug79.8Paul-Stanislas La RocqueBishop of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
18 Aug69.6Jean-Claude Combaz, M.E.P. †Bishop of Nagasaki, Japan
7 Sep72.3Dionysius Antonius Schüler, O.F.M. †Titular Archbishop of Nazianzus
9 Sep67.9Władysław Maximilyn SzcześniakAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
23 Sep77.8Stanislas-Arthur-Xavier TouchetCardinal, Bishop of Orléans, France
25 Sep81.6Aguedo Felipe Alvarado LiscanoBishop of Barquisimeto, Venezuela
25 Sep61.6Jaime Viladrich y GasparAuxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain
1 Oct61.4Isidoro Badía y SarradellBishop of Tarazona (-Tudela), Spain
1 Oct63.6Okosdinos (Augustin) SayeghianArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Armenian), Syria
4 Oct82.7Augustyn RosentreterBishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
11 Oct56.7William Francis O’Hare, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic of Giamaica o Jamaica, Antilles
15 Oct86.5Johann Baptist von NeudeckerAuxiliary Bishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
21 Oct73.5Edward Patrick AllenBishop of Mobile, Alabama, USA
21 Oct63.0Emilio Jiménez PérezApostolic Administrator of Barbastro, Spain
13 Nov73.4Michael John HobanBishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
21 Nov47.6Josyf Botsian (Bocian)Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
27 Nov72.4Anton KeilAuxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria
1 Dec88.5Edward IlsleyArchbishop Emeritus of Birmingham, England, Great Britain
2 Dec75.2James Joseph DavisBishop of Davenport, Iowa, USA
11 Dec69.1Maurice LandrieuxBishop of Dijon, France
12 Dec78.0Ignatius Gartlan, S.J. †Superior Emeritus of Zambese, Zimbabwe
14 Dec82.6Francisco Javier Baztán y UrnizaBishop Emeritus of Oviedo, Spain
19 Dec78.3Albert BitterVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sweden
21 Dec76.0Francesco IsolaBishop Emeritus of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
27 Dec67.0Adamo BorghiniBishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy
30 Dec75.2Francesco MorettiBishop Emeritus of Terni e Narni, Italy


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