Year | From | To | ||
1844 | Diocese of Mazara del Vallo, Italy | Territory Lost | Diocese of Trapani, Italy | Erected |
1850 | Diocese of Walla Walla, Oregon, USA | Suppressed | Archdiocese of Oregon City, Oregon, USA | Territory Added |
1850 | Archdiocese of Oregon City, Oregon, USA | Territory Lost | Diocese of Nesqually, Washington, USA | Erected |
1921 | Vicariate Apostolic of Léopoldville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Part of Mayomba) | Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Matadi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Territory Added |
1930 | Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea | Elevated |
1930 | Prefecture Apostolic of Caquetá, Colombia | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Caquetá, Colombia | Elevated |
1930 | Prefecture Apostolic of Wuchang [Wuchang], China | Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Wuchang [Wuchang], China | Elevated |
1960 | Diocese of Segorbe, Spain | Name Changed | Diocese of Segorbe-Castellón de la Plana, Spain | Name Changed |
1967 | Diocese of Ličge (Luik, Lüttich), Belgium (Limbourg) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Hasselt, Belgium | Erected |
1972 | Diocese of Tonga, Pacific (Oceania) (Niue Island) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific (Oceania) | Territory Added |
1973 | Diocese of Campagna, Italy (Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Michael (in S. Angelo Le Fratte), S. Peter the Apostle (in Satriano di Lucania), S. Nicolai Barensis (in Savoia di Lucania), and St. .Nicolai of Myrensis (in Vietri di Potenza)) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy | Territory Added |
1973 | Diocese of Muro Lucano, Italy (S. Peter the Apostle (in Ricigliano) and B.M.V. from Sacratissimo Rosario (in Romagnano al Monte)) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Campagna, Italy | Territory Added |
1974 | Diocese of Taiohae, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania) | Name Changed | Diocese of Taiohae o Tefenuaenata, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania) (from Tananarive to Diégo-Suarez) | Name Changed |
1976 | Vicariate Apostolic of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia | Elevated | Diocese of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia | Elevated |
1976 | Vicariate Apostolic of Kuching, Malaysia | Elevated | Archdiocese of Kuching, Malaysia | Elevated |
1976 | Vicariate Apostolic of Miri, Malaysia | Elevated | Diocese of Miri, Malaysia | Elevated |
1976 | Archdiocese of Hyderabad, India (Mahbubnagar)
Diocese of Warangal, India (Nalgonda) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Nalgonda, India | Erected |
1986 | Diocese of Santa Ana, El Salvador (Sonsonate) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Sonsonate, El Salvador | Erected |
1993 | Archdiocese of Eger, Hungary (Szabólcs-Szatmár-Bereg and part of Hajdu-Bihar)
Diocese of Szeged-Csanád, Hungary (Part of Hajdu-Bihar) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza, Hungary | Erected |
1993 | Diocese of Veszprém, Hungary (Somogy and parts of Zala along with Tolna and Baranya) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Kaposvár, Hungary | Erected |
1993 | Diocese of České Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia (Domazlice, Nepomuk, and Klatovy)
Diocese of Litoměřice, Czechia (Zatec and Chomutov) Archdiocese of Praha {Prague}, Czechia (Plzen, Plzen - sever, Rokycany, Rakovnik, Tachov, Cheb, Sokolov, and Karlovy Vary) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Plzeň, Czechia | Erected |
1993 | Archdiocese of Esztergom, Hungary (Nógrád and Pest located to the north of the Danube)
Archdiocese of Eger, Hungary (Nógrád) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Vác, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Esztergom, Hungary (Budaörs along with Budajenô and Telki)
Diocese of Győr (Raab), Hungary (Bokod, Kecskéd, Kömlod, Környe, Oroszlány, Tatabánya-Alsógalla, Tatabánya-Bánhida, Tatabánya-Felsógalla, Tatabánya-Óváros, Várgesztes, Vértessomló, and Vértesszólós) Diocese of Veszprém, Hungary (Parts of Fejér: Balatonbozsok, Dég, Enying, Kozéppogárd, Lajoskomárom, Lepsény, Mátyásdomb, Mezokomárom, Mezoszentgyörgy, Mezôszilas, and Szabadhidvég) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Esztergom, Hungary (Szigetköz)
Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma, Hungary (Bársonyós, Kajárpéc, Tárkány, and Tényô) Diocese of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary (Bakonysárkány) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Győr (Raab), Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Győr (Raab), Hungary (Gyórasszonyfa, Táp, and Tápszentmiklós) | Territory Lost | Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary (Budapest except Csepel; Island of Szentendre along with Dunabogdány, Pilisszentlászló, Tahitótfalu, Leányfalu, Pomáz, Budakalász, Budakalász-Szentistvántelep, Csobánka, Üröm, Pilisborosjenô, Nagykovácsi, Pilisszentkereszt)
Diocese of Vác, Hungary (Budapest, part of Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Esztergom, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary (Inota) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Veszprém, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Kalocsa, Hungary (Bogyiszló)
Diocese of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary (Hard) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Pécs, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Pécs, Hungary (Dávod, Püspökpuszta, Dunafalva, Homorud, Sárhát, Sárosd, Szabadságpuszta, and Riha-Elesd)
Diocese of Vác, Hungary (Kecskemét) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Kalocsa, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Vác, Hungary (Jánoshida) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Eger, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy (Part of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok: Kunszentmárton I, Kunszentmárton II, Mesterszállás, Kuncsorba, and Turkeve)
Archdiocese of Eger, Hungary (Kunszentmárton I, Kunszentmárton II, Mesterszállás, Kuncsorba, Turkeve, Bucsa and Dévaványa) Diocese of Vác, Hungary (Part of Csongrád along with Mezótúr, Mezohék, and Kungyalu) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Szeged-Csanád, Hungary | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Esztergom, Hungary | Name Changed | Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary | Name Changed |
1993 | Archdiocese of Kalocsa, Hungary | Name Changed | Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, Hungary | Name Changed |
1993 | Diocese of Veszprém, Hungary | Elevated | Archdiocese of Veszprém, Hungary | Elevated |
1993 | Diocese of České Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia (Zlaté Hory-Kamberk)
Diocese of Hradec Králové, Czechia (Borovnice, Křivsoudov, Cechtice, Zhoř, Sadská, Chleby, Velim, Předhradí, Nebovidy, Ratboř, Suchdol, Solpysky, Košice, Pravonín, Sudějov, Cestín, Petrovice II, Kácov, Zruč nad Sázavou, Soutice, Keblov, Dolní Královic...) Diocese of Litoměřice, Czechia (Nymburk, Veleliby, Kostomlaty, Vsejany, Milovice, and Lysá nad Labem) | Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Praha {Prague}, Czechia | Territory Added |
1993 | Diocese of Hradec Králové, Czechia (Křešín, Košetice, Vyklantice, Lukavec, Větrn ý Jeníkov, Branišov, Smrčná, Vyskytná, and Dušejov)
Archdiocese of Praha {Prague}, Czechia (Milín-Slivice, Třebsko, Smolotely, Kluóenice, Střeziměř, Vrcholtovice, and Pecice) | Territory Lost | Diocese of České Budĕjovice {Budweis}, Czechia | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Praha {Prague}, Czechia (Sány and Ohaře) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Hradec Králové, Czechia | Territory Added |
1993 | Archdiocese of Praha {Prague}, Czechia (Počáply, Libotenice, Doksany, Dolanky, and Chotětov) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Litoměřice, Czechia | Territory Added |
1995 | Territorial Prelature of Tunis, Tunisia | Elevated | Diocese of Tunis, Tunisia | Elevated |
2007 | Diocese of Saint George’s, Newfoundland, Canada | Name Changed | Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada | Name Changed |
2007 | Diocese of Labrador City-Schefferville, Québec, Canada | Suppressed | Diocese of Amos, Québec, Canada (Nunavik Territory)
Diocese of Baie-Comeau, Québec, Canada (La Basse Côte-Nord Territory) Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada (Labrador Territory) | Territory Added |
2007 | Diocese of Amos, Québec, Canada | Territory Lost | Diocese of Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada (Opitciwan (Obedjiwan))
Diocese of Joliette, Québec, Canada (Manawan) Diocese of Trois-Rivičres, Québec, Canada (Parent) | Territory Added |
2007 | Diocese of Moosonee, Ontario, Canada | Territory Lost | Diocese of Amos, Québec, Canada (Chisasibi, Radisson, Waskaganish) | Territory Added |
2007 | Delegation to Arabian Peninsula | Established | Nunciature to United Arab Emirates | Established |
2011 | Vicariate Apostolic of Kuwait | Name Changed | Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Arabia, Bahrain | Name Changed |
2011 | Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia, Yemen | Name Changed | Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Arabia, United Arab Emirates | Name Changed |
2018 | Diocese of Barcelona, Venezuela (Southern part of Anzoátegui) | Territory Lost | Diocese of El Tigre, Venezuela | Erected |
2018 | Apostolic Exarchate of Macedonia (Macedonian) | Elevated | Eparchy of Beata Maria Vergine Assunta in Strumica-Skopje (Macedonian) | Elevated |
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