Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1564


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1563) | Next Year (1565)

unknownDomenico Casabianca, O.P. †Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy
unknownLuigi CavalcantiBishop of Bisignano, Italy
unknownWilliam ChisholmBishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great Britain
unknownAndrés de la CuestaBishop of León, Spain
unknown62.0Onorato Fascitelli, O.S.B. †Bishop Emeritus of Isola, Italy
unknownStefano Gattalusio, O.S.B. †Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece
unknownPietro de Gozzo, O.P. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
unknownFilippo LanciaBishop of Lipari, Italy
unknown31.0François L’EstrangeBishop of Alet, France
unknown71.0Alvaro MoscosoBishop of Zamora, Spain
unknownFrancisco RamírezBishop of Cuzco, Peru
unknownToma Skorojević, O.F.M. †Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia
7 Jan84.0Fernando de Menezes Coutinho e VasconcellosArchbishop of Lisboa, Portugal
10 JanLuigi Vannini de Theodoli, C.R.L. †Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy
21 Jan81.0Tomaso CampeggiBishop Emeritus of Feltre, Italy
21 Jan60.0Nino NiniBishop of Potenza, Italy
4 Feb42.0François de PisseleuBishop Emeritus of Amiens, France
23 Feb52.1Egidio Foscarari, O.P. †Bishop of Modena, Italy
25 FebBernard O’Higgins, O.S.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Elphin, Ireland
MarGiulio RossiBishop of San Leone, Italy
5 Apr58.8Giovanni Girolamo de’ RossiBishop of Pavia, Italy
27 AprOttaviano GuascoBishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy
28 Apr42.3Aymar de MaugironBishop of Glandèves, France
2 May64.1Rodolfo PioCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
3 May59.3Acisclo de Moya y ContrerasArchbishop of Valencia, Spain
11 May51.3Leone OrsiniBishop of Fréjus, France
1 JulEgidio Falcetta de CinguloBishop of Bertinoro, Italy
24 JulGiulio GallettoBishop Emeritus of Alessano, Italy
Aug54.5Ivan Albert Gliričić Dujmić, O.P. †Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
3 Aug63.5Scipione BongalliBishop of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy
10 AugAndrea de Monti, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Ivrea, Italy
3 Sep65.6Julius von PflugBishop of Naumburg, Germany
4 Sep69.6Charles de PisseleuBishop of Condom, France
25 Sep74.7Bernardo Manrique, O.P. †Bishop of Málaga, Spain
6 Oct45.8Guido Ascanio Sforza di Santa FioraCardinal, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber
9 Oct77.7Rodrigo González de MarmolejoBishop-Elect of Santiago de Chile
9 OctCuthbert ScottBishop Emeritus of Chester, England, Great Britain
13 Oct64.7Pierre DuvalBishop Emeritus of Sées {Séez}, France
27 Oct80.8Cristoforo Guidalotti Ciocchi del MonteCardinal, Bishop of Cagli, Italy
3 NovManuel de NoronhaBishop of Lamego, Portugal
13 Dec59.9Charles de Croy, O.S.B. †Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
15 Dec59.9Georg Flach, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Würzburg, Germany


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