Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1875

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1874) | Next Year (1876)

12 FebDiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA Elevated
12 FebDiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Elevated
12 FebDiocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA Territory LostDiocese of Peoria, Illinois, USA (Counties of Mercer, Warren, Henderson, Hancock, McDonough, Schuyler, Knox, Fulton, Mason, Tazewell, Peoria, Stark, Marshall, Woodford, McLean, Logan, Dewitt, Livingston, Ford, Piatt, Champaign, Vermillion, and Iroquoise) Erected
12 FebDiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Elevated
12 FebDiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Elevated
12 FebDiocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA (from Saint Louis to Milwaukee)
Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA (from Saint Louis to Milwaukee)
Diocese of Sault Sainte Marie and Marquette, Michigan, USA (from Saint Louis to Milwaukee)
Diocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA (from Saint Louis to Milwaukee)
Metropolitan Changed
12 FebDiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Northern Minnesota, USA (Northern part of Minnesota and part of Dakota) Erected
12 FebDiocese of Burlington, Vermont, USA (from New York to Boston)
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut, USA (from New York to Boston)
Diocese of Portland, Maine, USA (from New York to Boston)
Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA (from New York to Boston)
Diocese of Springfield in Massachusetts, USA (from New York to Boston)
Metropolitan Changed
12 FebDiocese of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA (from Baltimore to Philadelphia)
Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA (from Baltimore to Philadelphia)
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (from Baltimore to Philadelphia)
Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA (from Baltimore to Philadelphia)
Metropolitan Changed
12 FebVicariate Apostolic of Arizona, USA (from Saint Louis to Santa Fe)
Vicariate Apostolic of Colorado, USA (from Saint Louis to Santa Fe)
Metropolitan Changed
27 MayDiocese of Rodez, France UnitedDiocese of Rodez (-Vabres), France United
23 JulArchdiocese of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece Erected
30 JulPriests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Bétharram Decretum Laudis
6 AugPrefecture Apostolic of Kouangtong (Kwangtung, Guangdong), China Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Kuamsi (Kwangsi, Guangxi), China Erected
8 SepSociety of the Divine Word Founded
18 NovDiocese of Córdoba, Spain
Diocese of Cuenca, Spain
Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain
Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Ciudad Real, Spain Erected
21 DecOblates of St. Francis de Sales Decretum Laudis


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