Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1719


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1718) | Next Year (1720)

unknown54.0Pawel Antoni ZałuskiAuxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland
5 Jan76.0Carlo BerlingeriArchbishop of Santa Severina, Italy
8 Jan73.0Pierre ClémentBishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France
27 Jan68.4Ferdinando d’AddaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
28 Jan65.3Tommaso Maria Franza, O.P. †Bishop of Oria, Italy
Feb59.0Thomas OlivieriBishop of Strongoli, Italy
14 Feb70.2Francesco Maria Casini, O.F.M. Cap. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca
15 Feb76.3Bernardino BelluzziBishop of Camerino, Italy
23 Feb88.6Nicolò AcciaioliCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
25 Feb80.1Martín AscargortaArchbishop of Granada, Spain
10 Mar74.1Andrés Caperó Agramunt, O.C.D. †Bishop of Lugo, Spain
19 Mar72.6Giambattista Spínola (Jr.)Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Cesareo in Palatio
22 Mar81.1José de Oliveira, O.E.S.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Angola e Congo
24 Mar68.3Raimondo FerrettiArchbishop of Ravenna, Italy
1 Apr60.2Juan José Llamas Rivas, O. Carm. †Bishop of Panamá
4 AprJoachim CiechanowskiBishop of Pińsk-Turaŭ (Ukrainian), Belarus
14 Apr86.5Giovanni Tommaso Rovetta, O.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
15 Apr71.8Giovanni Francesco Maria Poggi, O.S.M. †Bishop of San Miniato, Italy
20 Apr74.3Julián Cano y Tevar, O. Carm. †Bishop of Ávila, Spain
22 Apr60.8Claude-Maur d’AubignéArchbishop of Rouen, France
2 May67.3Kazimierz ŁubieńskiBishop of Kraków, Poland
8 May71.5Francisco a São Agostinho, T.O.R. †Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
2 Jun72.4Charles Le Goux de la BerchèreArchbishop of Narbonne, France
21 Jun72.4Domingo de ValenciaBishop-Elect of Nueva Caceres, Philippines
2 JulAndrés Quiles Galindo, O.F.M. †Bishop of Nicaragua
12 Jul64.8Francesco Maria d’Aste, C.R. †Archbishop of Otranto, Italy
20 Jul68.5Édouard BargedéBishop of Nevers, France
26 Jul39.5Hyacinth Petit, O. Carm. †Vicar Apostolic of Nordic Missions, Germany
31 Jul52.5Pedro Mejorada, O.P. †Bishop-Elect of Nueva Segovia, Philippines
3 Aug67.4Johann Philipp von Greifenclau zu VollrathsBishop of Würzburg, Germany
17 Aug41.9Giovanni Carafa, C.R. †Bishop of Nicastro, Italy
20 Aug67.6David-Nicolas BertierBishop of Blois, France
Sep89.8Simon GaudentiBishop of Ossero (Osor), Croatia
Sep55.4Luca TrapaniBishop of Tricarico, Italy
5 Sep38.9Ludwik Karol OgińskiBishop of Smoleńsk, Poland
16 Sep60.3Giuseppe Grisconi, Sch. P. †Bishop of Vieste, Italy
20 Sep54.4François Défago, C.R.A. †Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland
2 Oct57.7Roland-François de Kerhoent de CoetenfaoBishop of Avranches, France
10 Oct67.7Isidoro Bertrán GarcíaArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain
24 Oct65.5José Díez Santos de San PedroBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
28 Oct60.8Ennemond Allemand de MontmartinBishop of Grenoble, France
Nov64.1Bartolomeo PorzioBishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy
10 Nov64.8Mihály MéreyPriest
30 Nov85.9Heinrich Hartard von RollingenBishop of Speyer, Germany
11 Dec60.0Stefano Cupilli, C.R.S. †Archbishop of Split (Spalato), Croatia
30 Dec64.1João de Brito e VasconcelosBishop of Angra, Portugal


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