Catholic-Hierarchy DC

2nd day of December

Diocese Events

See Also: Bishop Events

1907Vicariate Apostolic of Saskatchewan, Canada ElevatedDiocese of Prince-Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada Elevated
1913Diocese of Nicaragua Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Bluefields, Nicaragua Erected
1913Diocese of Nicaragua (Granada, Rivas, Chontales, and San Juan del Norie) Territory LostDiocese of Granada, Nicaragua Erected
1913Diocese of Nicaragua (Managua, Masaya, Carazo, Matagalpa, and Qinotega) Territory LostArchdiocese of Managua, Nicaragua Erected
1913Diocese of Nicaragua (León, Chimandega, Esteli, and Nueva Segovia) Name ChangedDiocese of León en Nicaragua Name Changed
1921Diocese of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil ElevatedArchdiocese of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil Elevated
1937Prefecture Apostolic of Oubangui Chari, Central African Republic ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Oubangui Chari, Central African Republic Elevated
1937Prefecture Apostolic of Bondo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Bondo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Elevated
1937Mission "Sui Iuris" of Shihtsien [Shiqian], China ElevatedPrefecture Apostolic of Shiqian [Shihtsien], China Elevated
1943Vicariate Apostolic of Costa d’Oro {Gold Coast}, Ghana (Eastern part) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Accra, Ghana Erected
1954Diocese of San Miguel, El Salvador (Usulután, Sesori, along with Ciudad Barrios, Chapeltique, and Lolotique) Territory LostDiocese of Santiago de María, El Salvador Erected
1954Prefecture Apostolic of Kuwait ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Kuwait Elevated
1959Cardinal Titular Church of Santi Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari Established
1959Cardinal Titular Church of San Saba Established
1959Cardinal Titular Church of San Teodoro Established
1989Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Decretum Laudis
1995Diocese of Liepāja, Latvia (Griva, Ilukste, Jekabpils, Skaistkalne, and Jelgava) Territory LostDiocese of Jelgava, Latvia Erected
1995Archdiocese of Riga, Latvia (Daugavpils, Kräslava, Dagda, Aglona, Preili, Livani, Varak¡ani, Rëzekne, Ludza, Nautrëni (Rogovka), and Vilaka) Territory LostDiocese of Rēzekne-Aglona, Latvia Erected
1997Diocese of Chur, Switzerland (Liechtenstein) Territory LostArchdiocese of Vaduz, Liechtenstein Erected
2000Archdiocese of Catania, Italy (became a Metropolitan) Elevated
2000Diocese of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Agrigento, Italy Elevated
2000Archdiocese of Monreale, Italy (no longer a Metropolitan) Elevated
2000Diocese of Caltanissetta, Italy (from Monreale) Metropolitan Changed
2000Diocese of Piazza Armerina, Italy (from Siracusa) Metropolitan Changed
2000Diocese of Acireale, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
2000Diocese of Caltagirone, Italy (from Siracusa) Metropolitan Changed


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