Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1904

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1903) | Next Year (1905)

unknownNunciature to México Established
unknownVicariate Apostolic of Northern Patagonia {Patagonia Settentrionale}, Argentina SuppressedArchdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina Territory Added
JanSons of Saint Mary Immaculate Founded
21 JanPrefecture Apostolic of German Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Northern Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea Name Changed
21 JanPrefecture Apostolic of English Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Southern Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands Name Changed
21 JanVicariate Apostolic of Northern Zanguebar, Kenya Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Benadir, Somalia Erected
22 JanSociety of the Catholic Apostolate Approbation
27 JanArchdiocese of Montréal, Québec, Canada (Joliette, Berthier, and Montcalm Counties with part of L’Assomption County) Territory LostDiocese of Joliette, Québec, Canada Erected
27 JanDiocese of Osaka, Japan Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Shikoku, Japan Erected
28 JanCongregation for Indulgences and Relics, Roman Curia SuppressedCongregation of (Sacred) Rites, Roman Curia Territory Added
8 FebDiocese of Saint John’s, Newfoundland, Canada ElevatedArchdiocese of Saint John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Elevated
8 FebDiocese of Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, Canada (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
18 FebVicariate Apostolic of Western Newfoundland (St. George’s), Canada Territory LostDiocese of Saint George’s, Newfoundland, Canada Erected
12 MarDiocese of Providence, Rhode Island, USA Territory LostDiocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, USA Erected
18 MarVicariate Apostolic of Belgian Congo {Congo Belga} o Indipendente, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Kasaï Superiore, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Erected
22 MarPrefecture Apostolic of New Hebrides {Isole Nouve Ebridi}, Vanuatu, Pacific (Oceania) ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of New Hebrides {Isole Nouve Ebridi}, Vanuatu, Pacific (Oceania) Elevated
12 MayVicariate Apostolic of Annobon, Corisco and Fernando Poo Islands, Equatorial Guinea SplitVicariate Apostolic of Fernando Poo, Equatorial Guinea Split
18 MayDiocese of Helena, Montana, USA Territory LostDiocese of Great Falls, Montana, USA Erected
21 MaySons of Saint Mary Immaculate Decretum Laudis
1 AugCongregation of Saint Joseph Approbation
3 AugVicariate Apostolic of Belgian Congo {Congo Belga} o Indipendente, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Stanley Falls, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Erected
6 SepArchdiocese of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Territory LostArchdiocese of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Erected
14 SepDiocese of Ancona e Numana, Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Ancona e Numana, Italy Elevated
16 SepDiocese of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada (Districts of Algoma, Baie-du-Tonnerre, and parts of Nipissing and Manitoulin Islands) Territory LostDiocese of Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada Erected
16 SepPrefecture Apostolic of Transvaal, South Africa ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Transvaal, South Africa Elevated
20 DecDiocese of Pasto, Colombia Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Caquetá, Colombia Erected


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