Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1582


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1581) | Next Year (1583)

unknown57.0Rinaldo CorsoBishop of Strongoli, Italy
unknown58.0Johann DelphiusAuxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France
unknownBonifacije (Bonifacio) Stijepović Drakolica (Destefanis), O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
unknownLouis-Ricard de Gourdon de Genouillac de VaillacBishop of Tulle, France
unknownJoseph Archbishop of Seert (Chaldean), Turkey
unknownAngelo de Marzi MediciBishop of Marsico Nuovo, Italy
unknownOttavio MoriconiBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
unknown70.0Galeazzo Gegald (Regardus)Bishop Emeritus of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy
unknownFederico Antonio Sacra, O.P. †Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy
unknownLouis de Saint-GillesAuxiliary Bishop of Coutances, France
unknownGiovanni Fabrizio SanseverinoBishop of Trivento, Italy
unknownAttilio SerranoAuxiliary Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, Italy
unknown76.0Jan SienieńskiArchbishop of Lviv, Ukraine
27 JanIppolito BoschiBishop of Foligno, Italy
FebOrazio MalaspinaBishop-Elect of Albenga, Italy
8 FebNicola PeruscoBishop of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy
16 FebAlessandro CasaleBishop of Vigevano, Italy
7 Mar63.1Girolamo Guglielmi (Vielmi), O.P. †Bishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia
22 Mar60.0Daniel Brendel von HomburgArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
18 AprBalduino de BalduinisBishop of Aversa, Italy
8 MayBeltramino BeltraminiBishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy
15 MayGiovanni RetanaArchbishop of Messina, Italy
18 May63.3Wilhelm von KettelerFormer Bishop-Elect of Münster, Germany
8 JunMatteo RinucciniArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
25 JunGiovanni Battista Soriani (Suriano), O. Carm. †Bishop of Bisceglie, Italy
2 Jul64.5Sébastien de L’AubespineBishop of Limoges, France
14 JulBernardin de Saint-FrançoisBishop of Bayeux, France
26 Jul60.5Juan de Liermo HermosaArchbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3 AugLambert GruterBishop of Wiener Neustadt, Austria
13 AugGiovanni Battista AlamanniBishop of Mâcon, France
16 Aug56.6Gil Ruiz de Lihori, C.R.S.A. †Bishop of Segorbe, Spain
30 AugJacques CorneillanBishop Emeritus of Rodez, France
25 Sep50.7Martino de Martini, S.J. †Bishop of San Severo, Italy
25 Sep69.7Alvise MichielArchbishop of Split (Spalato), Croatia
Oct85.7Tossolus (Teobaldo) Blancus (Bianchi)Bishop of Sapë, Albania
OctAntónio PinheiroBishop of Leiria, Portugal
16 OctAntonio de Zayas, O.F.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Nicaragua
28 Oct63.2Vincenzo Giustiniani, O.P. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina
3 Nov50.8Matteo BarbabiancaBishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia
10 Nov63.8François de LambertBishop of Nice, France
18 NovChristophe GuidiccioniBishop of Ajaccio, France
21 NovPierre de FaurBishop of Lavaur, France
DecCostantino de Lanoya, O.S.B. †Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy
26 DecDiego TorquemadaBishop of Tuy, Spain


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