Catholic-Hierarchy DC

7th day of March

Diocese Events

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs (Memorial)

See Also: Bishop Events

1863Diocese of Mérida, Venezuela Territory LostDiocese of Barquisimeto, Venezuela Erected
1863Archdiocese of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela
Diocese of Mérida, Venezuela
Territory LostDiocese of Calabozo, Venezuela Erected
1884Vicariate Apostolic of Montana, USA Territory LostDiocese of Helena, Montana, USA (Name changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Erected
1885Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain Territory LostDiocese of Madrid, Spain Erected
1922Diocese of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary
Eparchy of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine
Eparchy of Stanislaviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
Territory LostApostolic Administration of Târgul-Siret (Ruthenian), Romania Erected
1948Diocese of Chachapoyas, Peru (San Martín (Moyobamba, Lamas, Huallaga, Mariscal Cáceres, Rioja, and Tarapoto)) Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Moyobamba, Peru Erected
1955Diocese of Tunja, Colombia (Duitama, Tibasosa, Sagamoso, Nobsa, Mongui, Tópaga, Mongua, Gámeza, Corrales, Floresta, Labranzagrande, Pisva, Paya, Morcóte, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Cerinza, Belén, Tutasá, Paz de Rio, Betéitiva, Tasco, Socha, Socotá, Jericó, Sativasur, Sativanorte, ...) Territory LostDiocese of Duitama, Colombia Erected
1966Nunciature to Liberia (to Nunciature) Elevated
1968Archdiocese of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq Territory LostArcheparchy of Arbil {Erbil} (Chaldean), Iraq
Diocese of Sulaimaniya (Chaldean), Iraq
1970Diocese of Saint George’s in Grenada, Antilles (Barbate, Saint Vincent, and the northern Grenadines (Bequia, Canouan, Mustique, and Union)) Territory LostDiocese of Bridgetown-Kingstown, Barbados, Antilles Erected
1977Delegation to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands SplitDelegation to Solomon Islands
Nunciature to Papua New Guinea (and Elevated)
1987Nunciature to Switzerland EstablishedNunciature to Liechtenstein Established
2005Territorial Abbey of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Italy SuppressedDiocese of Roma {Rome}, Italy Territory Added


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