Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1897

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1896) | Next Year (1898)

28 JanSt. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill Decretum Laudis
12 FebVicariate Apostolic of Nyassa, Malawi (to Vicariate Apostolic) Elevated
15 FebArchdiocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina Territory LostDiocese of La Plata, Argentina Erected
15 FebDiocese of Paraná, Argentina Territory LostDiocese of Santa Fe, Argentina Erected
15 FebDiocese of Salta, Argentina Territory LostDiocese of Tucumán, Argentina Erected
21 MarEparchy of Tripoli del Libano (Melkite Greek) Erected
6 AprDiocese of Jamestown, North Dakota, USA Name ChangedDiocese of Fargo, North Dakota, USA Name Changed
14 AprDiocese of Montevideo, Uruguay Territory LostDiocese of Salto, Uruguay Erected
14 AprDiocese of Montevideo, Uruguay Territory LostDiocese of Melo, Uruguay Erected
14 AprDiocese of Montevideo, Uruguay ElevatedArchdiocese of Montevideo, Uruguay Elevated
8 MayVicariate Apostolic of Arizona, USA (Name changed and Vicariate raised to a Diocese) Territory LostDiocese of Tucson, Arizona, USA Erected
28 JunVicariate Apostolic of Micronesia, Pacific (Oceania) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Gilbert Islands {Isole Gilbert}, Kiribati, Pacific (Oceania) Erected
1 JulDiocese of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA Territory LostDiocese of Concordia, Kansas, USA (Counties of Washington, Clay, Riley, Geary, and Dickinson) Territory Added
16 JulDiocese of Niterói (Nictheroy), Brazil Name ChangedDiocese of Petrópolis, Brazil Name Changed
27 JulVicariate Apostolic of New Pomerania, Papua New Guinea Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of English Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands Erected
28 JulDiocese of Mérida, Venezuela Territory LostDiocese of Zulia, Venezuela Erected
14 AugArchdiocese of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Rhodos {Rhodes} and Adjacent Islands, Greece Erected
20 AugMissionari di S. Giuseppe nel Messico Decretum Laudis
4 OctOrder of Discalced Friars Minor
Order of Observant Friars Minor
Order of Friars Minor Recollect
Order of Reformed Friars Minor
UnitedOrder of Friars Minor United
18 OctVicariate Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal
Vicariate Apostolic of Sierra Leone
Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Guinea Francese, Guinea Erected
8 DecOblates of St. Francis de Sales Approbation


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