Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1502

Bishop Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1501) | Next Year (1503)

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
15 JulAppointedGiovanni SaccoAdministrator of Ancona e Numana, ItalyArchbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
20 Jul23.3AppointedIppolito d’Este (I)Administrator of Capua, ItalyCardinal, Administrator of Eger, Hungary
52.5DiedGiovanni Battista FerrariCardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy
AppointedFrancesco FerrariBishop of Modena, Italy
27 JulResignedLudwig Ebmer (Ebner)Bishop of Chiemsee, GermanyBishop Emeritus
29 Jul71.3ResignedJuan de CastroAdministrator of Schleswig, GermanyCardinal, Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
ConfirmedDetlef PogwischBishop of Schleswig, Germany
62.5ResignedMatthias Scheit (Scheidt)Bishop of Seckau, AustriaBishop Emeritus
28.5AppointedChristophe von ZachBishop of Seckau, Austria
5 AugAppointedChristoph Mendel von SteinfelsBishop of Chiemsee, Germany
7 AugOrdained BishopNicolas RuistreBishop of Arras, France
19 AugAppointedJean Favel, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France
AppointedJean Favel, O.P. †Titular Bishop of NazarethAuxiliary Bishop of Besançon, France
22 AugDiedCharles de JoyeuseBishop Emeritus of Saint-Flour, France
23 Aug52.6DiedFrançois BusleidenArchbishop of Besançon, France
24 AugAppointedGiovanni de MannaBishop of Lavello, Italy
SepBornDiego Espinosa ArévaloCardinal, Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
DiedRIchard Wycherley, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Worcester, England, Great BritainAuxiliary Bishop
2 SepAppointedMarcus Bishop of Santorini {Thira}, Greece
AppointedIstván de SzatmarBishop of Sirmio (Srijem; Sirmium), Croatia
25 Sep52.7Ordained BishopWilliam WarhamBishop of London, England, Great BritainArchbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain
28 SepAppointedLorenzo FieschiBishop of Brugnato, ItalyBishop of Mondovi, Italy
30 SepDiedErhard von Redwitz, O. Cist. †Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
1 OctDiedSimone de Clavaro, O.S.B. †Bishop of Brugnato, Italy
2 OctDiedSebastiano PriuliArchbishop of Nicosia, Cyprus
3 OctDiedGilles de Laval-LouéBishop of Sées {Séez}, France
5 OctAppointedAldobrandini UrsiniArchbishop of Nicosia, CyprusArchbishop Emeritus
7 Oct53.7DiedHenri de BerghesBishop of Cambrai, France
14 Oct58.7DiedDiego Hurtado de Mendoza y QuiñonesCardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
15 OctBornGiacomo Nacchianti, O.P. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
16 OctOrdained BishopJob von Dobenek, O.T. †Bishop of Pomesania (Pomezania), Poland
24 OctAppointedBartolomeo MondelliBishop of Monteverde, Italy
4 Nov15.8AppointedAntoine de Vergy (Verzy)Archbishop of Besançon, France
7 NovAppointedJanos de Meliche, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary
AppointedJanos de Meliche, O.P. †Titular Bishop of OropusAuxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary
8 NovDiedGaspard de Reno (Rhein)Bishop of Basel, Switzerland
13 NovDiedCristoforo Bordini (de Pratella)Bishop of Cortona, Italy
16 NovAppointedFrançois de LuxembourgBishop of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières, FranceBishop of Le Mans, France
AppointedBenedetto GiustinianiBishop of Chios (Scio), Greece
AppointedJuan OrtegaBishop of Potenza, ItalyBishop-Elect
26 NovSelectedPedro FloresBishop of Castellammare di Stabia, ItalyBishop of Gaeta, Italy
27 NovAppointedRaniero de GuicciardiniBishop of Cortona, Italy
2 Dec30.9ConfirmedErich von Sachsen-LauenburgBishop of Hildesheim, GermanyBishop of Münster, Germany
14 DecOrdained BishopLorenzo FieschiBishop of Brugnato, ItalyBishop of Mondovi, Italy
16 DecAppointedRainaldo CancellieriBishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, ItalyBishop Emeritus
19 Dec52.9AppointedThomas RuscherAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
52.9AppointedThomas RuscherTitular Bishop of VenecompensisAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
23 DecDiedJean Simon de ChampignyBishop of Paris, France
31 Dec28.9Ordained BishopChristophe von ZachBishop of Seckau, Austria


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