Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1818


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1817) | Next Year (1819)

unknownPhilippe LegrandPrefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, Antilles
unknownMathieu SimonBishop of Amadiyah (Chaldean), Iraq
2 Jan80.0Camillo de SimeoniCardinal, Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
9 Jan61.3José Maria de Melo, C.O. †Bishop Emeritus of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal
11 Jan77.3Joaquim de Santa Clara Brandão (Lopes), O.S.B. †Archbishop of Évora, Portugal
15 Jan75.0Giovanni Francesco d’AlessandriaBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
17 Jan85.1Martin TakátsAuxiliary Bishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
19 Jan81.6Carlo CrivelliCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Susanna
31 Jan71.5Richard O’ReillyArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
1 Feb78.8Wojciech GórskiBishop of Kielce, Poland
8 Feb54.0Luca AmiciBishop of Ferentino, Italy
11 Feb92.3José Francisco Miguel António de Mendonça ValdereisCardinal, Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal
16 Feb77.0Vicente José Soto y ValcárceBishop of Valladolid, Spain
18 Feb53.3Joaquim Sousa (Souza) Saraiva, C.M. †Bishop of Peking [Beijing], China
2 Mar63.6Santiago Bencomo y RodríguezBishop-Elect of Astorga, Spain
3 Mar77.1Gennaro CarelliBishop of Conversano, Italy
22 Mar84.9Fabrizio Cimino, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Oria, Italy
28 Mar82.2Pedro Benito Antonio Quevedo y QuintanoCardinal, Bishop of Orense, Spain
31 Mar64.0Giuseppe Della CasaBishop of Alatri, Italy
2 Apr72.7Jean PradelleBishop-Elect of Bayeux, France
20 Apr53.3Giuseppe Bonventura Berardi, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Bacău, Romania
23 Apr97.1Jean-Armand de Bessuéjouls RoquelaureArchbishop Emeritus of Mechelen, Belgium
23 Apr80.9Alexandre da Sagrada Familia Ferreira da Silva, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Angra, Portugal
20 May70.2Francisco Javier Mier y CampilloBishop Emeritus of Almería, Spain
6 Jun74.7[Jean-Baptiste Massieu]Bishop Emeritus of [Oise (Constitutional), France]
14 Jun74.9Antonio DavidBishop of Narni, Italy
30 Jun71.4Manoel de Almeida de CarvalhoBishop of Belém do Pará, Brazil
7 Jul68.8Manuel Verdugo AlbiturríaBishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
13 Jul62.7Carlo FioravantiBishop of Rieti, Italy
14 Jul55.6Alessandro Lante Montefeltro Della RovereCardinal, Priest of Roma {Rome}, Italy
16 Jul58.5José Ignacio Cortázar y LabayenBishop of Cuenca, Ecuador
18 Jul61.0Andreas Maria de MaistreBishop-Elect of Aosta, Italy
22 Jul56.6Juan Acisclo de Vera y DelgadoBishop of Cádiz, Spain
27 Jul78.7Alphonse-Hubert de Latier de BayaneCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
27 Jul73.4Johannes Antonius de RicciAuxiliary Bishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia
30 Jul71.0Camillo CampanelliBishop of Perugia, Italy
31 Jul58.9Aeneas ChisholmVicar Apostolic of Highland District, Scotland, Great Britain
11 Aug81.4Lorenzo Prospero BottiniCardinal, Priest of the Roman Curia - Other
19 Aug69.1Marco Antonio MoscardiniBishop of Foligno, Italy
25 Aug75.2Claude AndréBishop Emeritus of Quimper, France
26 Aug64.9Pier Camillo de CarolisBishop of Città della Pieve, Italy
2 Sep91.6Marie-Joseph Green de Saint-MarsaultTitular Bishop of Pergamum
6 Sep73.9Angelo Vincenzo Andrea Maria Dania, O.P. †Bishop of Albenga, Italy
9 Sep72.8Gualfardo RidolfiBishop of Rimini, Italy
20 Sep96.3Francesco Carafa della Spina di TraettoCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars
3 Oct50.5Antônio Rodrigues de AguiarPrelate of Goiás, Brazil
3 Oct69.9Juan Raimundo Santos Larumbe y LarrayozBishop of Tudela, Spain
9 Oct55.5Emanuel Maria ThunBishop of Trento, Italy
15 Oct75.9Ludovico Maria Roselli, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop-Elect of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy
19 Oct70.3Antonio DugnaniCardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura
25 Oct62.1Etienne-Hubert de CambacérèsCardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
28 Oct78.8Salvatore Vecchioni, C.O. †Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy
8 Nov78.2Joaquín Encabo de la Virgen de Sopetrán, O.A.R. †Bishop of Cebu, Philippines
14 Nov73.1Remigio de La Santa y OrtegaBishop of Lérida, Spain
16 Nov86.4Roberto CostagutiBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy
4 Dec62.8[Siméon-Stylite-François-Régis Rovère]Bishop Emeritus of [Vaucluse (Constitutional), France]
12 Dec72.6Bernardo Nadal CrespíBishop of Mallorca, Spain
13 Dec68.3Pedro Inocencio BejaranoBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
15 Dec58.4Joseph Ludwig ColmarBishop of Mainz, Germany
22 Dec66.6Johann Aloys (Algis) SchneiderVicar Apostolic of Saxonia (Saxony), Germany


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