Catholic-Hierarchy DC

12th day of April

Diocese Events

See Also: Bishop Events

1774Diocese of Coimbra, Portugal Territory LostDiocese of Aveiro, Portugal Erected
1837Vicariate Apostolic of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of British Guiana, Guyana, Antilles Erected
1839Society of Mary Decretum Laudis
1851Diocese of Beauvais, France
Diocese of Noyon, France
Name ChangedDiocese of Beauvais (-Noyon-Senlis), France Name Changed
1859Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia (Queensland) Territory LostDiocese of Brisbane, Australia Erected
1889Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows Founded
1892Prefecture Apostolic of Dahomey, Benin Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Togo Erected
1907Diocese of Narni, Italy
Diocese of Terni, Italy
UnitedDiocese of Terni e Narni, Italy United
1911Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Shensi {Scen-Si Settentrionale}, China (Everything except Fu and YuLin-Fu along with Shien, Chow, Yen-An-Fu, Suei-Te-Chow and Fu-Chow) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Central Shensi/Chensi {Scen-Si Centrale}, China Erected
1951Vicariate Apostolic of Méndez y Gualaquiza, Ecuador Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Méndez, Ecuador (and Boundaries adjusted) Name Changed
1951Prefecture Apostolic of Bahr el-Gebel, Sudan ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Bahr el-Gebel, Sudan Elevated
1951Vicariate Apostolic of Zamora, Ecuador (Boundaries adjusted) Territory Added
1951Prefecture Apostolic of Canelos, Ecuador (Boundaries adjusted) Territory Added
1951Vicariate Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador (Boundaries adjusted) Territory Added
1951Prefecture Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos, Ecuador (Boundaries adjusted) Territory Added
1957Archdiocese of Lima, Peru (Huarochiri and Yauyos) Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Yauyos, Peru Erected
1975Diocese of Bikoro, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Bolobo and Yumbi) SuppressedDiocese of Inongo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory Added
1975Diocese of Bikoro, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Bikoro, Irebu, Bokongo, Lukolela, Itipo, and Iboko)
Archdiocese of Mbandaka, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
Name ChangedArchdiocese of Mbandaka-Bikoro, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name Changed
2011Diocese of Malanje, Angola ElevatedArchdiocese of Malanje, Angola Elevated
2011Diocese of Saurimo, Angola ElevatedArchdiocese of Saurimo, Angola Elevated
2011Diocese of Uije, Angola (from Luanda) Metropolitan Changed
2011Diocese of Ndalatando, Angola (from Luanda) Metropolitan Changed
2011Diocese of Lwena, Angola (from Huambo) Metropolitan Changed
2011Diocese of Dundo, Angola (from Luanda) Metropolitan Changed


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