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The Year of Our Lord 1710


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1709) | Next Year (1711)

unknownPierre Bissak d’AlepPatriarch
unknownEbed-Jesu Bishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey
unknown63.0Bartolomé de Mesones, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain
unknown57.0Miguel Pérez LaraBishop of Coria, Spain
18 Jan41.0Manuel González y VirtusBishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
14 Feb69.1Juan Iñiguez de ArnedoBishop of Pamplona, Spain
16 Feb77.6Esprit-Valentin FléchierBishop of Nîmes, France
21 Feb66.1Edward ComerfordArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
22 Feb67.5Charles-Maurice Le TellierArchbishop of Reims, France
2 Mar58.1Paolo Andrea Borelli, B. †Bishop of Noli, Italy
4 Mar66.9Callisto Lodigeri, O.S.M. †Bishop of Montepulciano, Italy
17 Mar70.1Daniel-Louis de BaradatBishop of Vabres, France
20 Mar68.6Johann Joseph von BreunerArchbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
22 Mar70.6Sperello SperelliCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Terni, Italy
23 Mar65.8Carlo Nicola de MassaBishop of Venafro, Italy
28 Mar64.2Marcantonio AgazziBishop of Ceneda, Italy
12 Apr69.2Jean-François Brizay de Denonville (Brezay)Bishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
13 Apr59.5Johann Peter von QuentellAuxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany
22 Apr75.5Laurent Buti (Buzzi)Bishop of Carpentras, France
27 Apr77.1Marcello DurazzoCardinal, Bishop of Faenza, Italy
29 Apr53.8Giacomo Falconetti, O.P. †Bishop of Grosseto, Italy
2 May54.4Marcin ZałuskiAuxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland
17 May42.9Louis Thomas d’AcquinBishop of Sées {Séez}, France
22 May64.9Pál Széchényi, O.S.P.P.E. †Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
Jun78.9Ercole Domenico MonanniBishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy
8 Jun41.4Charles Thomas Maillard de TournonCardinal, Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
30 Jun50.4François-Gaspard de La Mer de MathaBishop of Aire, France
30 Jun74.4Ascanio PaganelliBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), Italy
Jul48.5Giovanni Matteo VitelloniBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
5 Jul59.5Antonio Felice MarsiliBishop of Perugia, Italy
11 Jul70.5Jean-Baptiste-Michel Colbert de Saint-PouangeArchbishop of Toulouse, France
30 Jul62.7Lucas Bustos de la TorreBishop of Lugo, Spain
12 Aug67.6Gregorio Giuseppe Gaetani de AragoniaTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
Sep65.8Pietro GaddiBishop of Spoleto, Italy
3 Sep75.6Antonio Ibáñez de la Riva HerreraArchbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
11 Sep61.1Tobias Ján BeckerBishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia
22 Sep68.3Francisco Alvarez de QuiñonesBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
26 Sep57.3Vincenzo GrimaniCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Eustachio
29 Sep63.4João de SousaArchbishop of Lisboa, Portugal
4 Oct63.7Carlo Francesco MutiBishop of Città della Pieve, Italy
22 Oct59.0Gerolamo ArchintoBishop of Vigevano, Italy
2 Nov82.0Niccolò PiccolominiTitular Archbishop of Thessalonica
15 Nov76.8José Llinás y Aznar, O. de M. †Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
Dec70.1Placido Scoppa (Stoppa), C.R. †Bishop of Venosa, Italy
17 Dec77.9François VerjusBishop of Grasse, France
18 Dec62.0Petrus Codde, C.O. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands
20 Dec95.9Cosme Roger, O. Cist. †Bishop of Lombez, France
25 Dec56.9Alexandre de Chevriers de Saint-MaurisBishop of Saintes, France


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