Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1709


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1708) | Next Year (1710)

unknown61.0Michael RossiterBishop of Ferns, Ireland
unknown69.0Mikołaj Stanisław ŚwięcickiBishop of Poznań, Poland
Jan60.0Stanislaw Franciszek Biegański, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Bacău, Romania
Jan66.4Giovanni Battista SanudoBishop of Treviso, Italy
5 Jan60.2Giuseppe Placido De PaceBishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy
11 Jan69.7Leandro Colloredo, C.O. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere
19 Jan48.0Bernard-François de Poudenx de CastillonBishop of Marseille, France
23 Jan69.5Nicola CirilloBishop of Nicastro, Italy
Feb78.0Giuseppe PianettiBishop of Todi, Italy
14 Feb75.1Andrés González, O.P. †Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines
17 Feb63.0Konstantyn Józef ZielińskiArchbishop of Lviv, Ukraine
10 Mar56.0Vidal Marín FernándezBishop of Ceuta, Spain
20 Mar63.2Alvaro Benavente, O.E.S.A. †Vicar Apostolic of Kiam-Si {Kiangsi}, China
12 Apr67.8Jaroslav František Ignác von Sternberg (Šternberka)Bishop of Litoměřice, Czechia
17 Apr90.5Lorenzo Fabri, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Fossombrone, Italy
20 Apr65.7Johann Ernst von ThunArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
24 Apr57.8Michele PetirroBishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
25 Apr59.3Domingos Barata, O.SS.T. †Bishop of Portalegre, Portugal
30 Apr63.3Bernard (Bertrand) de SénauxBishop of Autun, France
8 May65.3Deodat NersesowiczCoadjutor Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine
9 May51.0Pedro Lázaro y Terrer, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Ugento, Italy
26 May61.4Baldassare Cenci (Sr.)Cardinal, Archbishop of Fermo, Italy
9 Jun92.5Gilles de La Baume le Blanc de la ValičreBishop Emeritus of Nantes, France
11 Jun51.8Marcello d’AsteCardinal, Apostolic Nuncio to Germany
Aug68.5Giovanni Girolamo NaselliBishop of Luni e Sarzana, Italy
4 Aug60.5Marco de Rama, O.S.A. †Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy
11 Aug65.6Gaetano Caracciolo, C.R. †Archbishop of Conza, Italy
14 Sep74.6Luis Manuel Fernández de Portocarrero-Bocanegra y Moscoso-OsorioCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
20 Sep64.5Ignacio Diez de la Barrera y BastidaBishop of Durango, México
21 Sep51.9Matteo Gennaro SibiliaBishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy
23 Sep80.7Benedetto LupertiBishop of Cagli, Italy
26 Sep62.3Paul Godet des MaraisBishop of Chartres, France
29 Sep57.7Gedeon Voyna OrańskiBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
Oct56.5Domenico CatalaniBishop of Termoli, Italy
Oct74.8Pietro de TorresArchbishop of Trani, Italy
14 Oct62.7Jacques Potier de NovionBishop of Évreux, France
3 Nov68.5Vincenzo Lupi, O.F.M. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
24 Nov65.8José Gregorio de Rojas y VelázquezBishop of Plasencia, Spain
28 Nov40.3Marco Antonio de RosaBishop of Policastro, Italy
Dec60.0Giovanni Giuseppe BonaventuraBishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
17 Dec65.9Gerolamo Ventimiglia, C.R. †Bishop of Lipari, Italy
21 Dec60.5Francesco Giambattista Bonesana, C.R. †Bishop of Como, Italy


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