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Suburbicarian See of Ostia


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  • Baldassare Reina, Apostolic Administrator

General Information

  • Type of Jurisdiction: Suburbicarian See
  • Split: 5 May 1914
  • Metropolitan: Diocese of Roma {Rome}
  • Rite: Latin (or Roman)
  • Country: Italy
  • Square Kilometers: 31 (11 Square Miles)
  • Conference Region: Lazio
  • Mailing Address: Vicariato di Roma, Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, 00184 Roma, Italia
  • Telephone:

Historical Details

Past and Present Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Suburbicarian See of Ostia
3rd CenturyErectedSuburbicarian See of Ostia (erected)
Suburbicarian See of Ostia (-Velletri)
1150UnitedSuburbicarian See of Ostia
Diocese of Velletri
Suburbicarian See of Ostia (-Velletri)
Suburbicarian See of Ostia
5 May 1914SplitSuburbicarian See of Ostia (-Velletri) Suburbicarian See of Ostia
Diocese of Velletri
22 May 1948Territory AddedSuburbicarian See of Ostia (Boundaries adjusted)
Diocese of Roma {Rome} (Boundaries adjusted)
17 July 2012Territory AddedDiocese of Roma {Rome} (San Carlo da Sezze and San Timoteo (in the city) and Santa Aurea in Ostia antiqua) Suburbicarian See of Ostia


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource
Suburbicarian See of Ostia (-Velletri)
Suburbicarian See of Ostia

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Suburbicarian See of Ostia
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 105, Page 224, and Page 225


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