Date | Age | Bishop | Title |
unknown | | Nicola d&rsqo;Aiello † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
unknown | | Hermann † | Bishop of Curland, Latvia |
unknown | | Cornelius MacGelany † | Bishop of Kildare, Ireland |
unknown | | Johanes von Meran † | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
unknown | | Oddo † | Bishop of Cesena, Italy |
unknown | | Pietro † | Bishop of Fermo, Italy |
unknown | | Heinrich von Rialt † | Bishop-Elect of Chur, Switzerland |
unknown | | Ubertello † | Bishop of Forlimpopoli, Italy |
28 Feb | | Gervais de Châteauneuf † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
8 Mar | 73.1 | Bl. Wincenty Kadłubek, O. Cist. † | Bishop Emeritus of Kraków, Poland |
11 Mar | | Henri de Veringen † | Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
18 Mar | | Raoul de Cierrey † | Bishop of Évreux, France |
21 Mar | | Guy de Vaux-de-Cernay † | Bishop of Carcassonne, France |
28 Mar | | Berhard von Oesede † | Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
7 Apr | | Bermond Cornut † | Archbishop of Aix, France |
2 May | | Hartwig von Grögling-Dollnstein † | Bishop of Eichstätt, Germany |
14 May | | Gautier † | Bishop of Autun, France |
4 Jun | | Hugh of Beaulieu, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Carlisle, England, Great Britain |
2 Jul | | Hervé † | Bishop of Troyes, France |
19 Aug | | William of Cornhill † | Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain |
9 Sep | | Simon of Apulia † | Bishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain |
15 Sep | | Bjarni Kolbeinsson Skald † | Bishop of Orkney (Kirkwall), Scotland, Great Britain |
22 Oct | | Hugues Raimond † | Bishop of Riez, France |
23 Nov | | Guillaume de Seignelay † | Bishop of Paris, France |
5 Dec | | Otto von Lobdeburg † | Bishop of Würzburg, Germany |
27 Dec | | Adelpret de Ravenstein † | Bishop of Trento, Italy |