Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1198

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownAppointedDirk van Ahr (Are)Bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
AppointedGerardo AriostiBishop of Bologna, ItalyBishop Emeritus
SelectedBernard , O.S.B. †Archbishop of Split (Spalato), Croatia
DiedBerthold , O. Cist. †Bishop of Üxküll (Uxhall, Ikšķile), Latvia
AppointedBiagius (Blasius) Archbishop of Torres, Italy
AppointedBonifacio , O.S.B. †Bishop of Asti, ItalyBishop Emeritus
AppointedNicolò BuonconsiglioBishop of Bitetto, Italy
33.0AppointedAlbrecht von BuxhoevdenBishop of Üxküll (Uxhall, Ikšķile), LatviaBishop of Riga, Latvia
AppointedCyprian , O. Praem. †Bishop of Lebus, GermanyBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
AppointedHugues de GarlandeBishop of Orléans, France
Ordained BishopHugues de GarlandeBishop of Orléans, France
DiedGerardo Gisella ScannabeghiBishop of Bologna, Italy
AppointedJohn , O. Cist. †Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland
AppointedKatapán Bishop of Eger, Hungary
AppointedOlof LambatungaArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
Ordained BishopOlof LambatungaArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
AppointedGeoffrey MuschampBishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain
DiedNazario Bishop of Asti, Italy
AppointedMaelisa O’DorrighBishop of Raphoe, Ireland
AppointedOgerius Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
AppointedAdhémar de PeiratBishop of Poitiers, France
AppointedRalph Bishop of Brechin, Scotland, Great Britain
DiedStefan Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
AppointedJean de VeyracBishop of Limoges, France
8 Jan93.0DiedGiacinto BobonePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
38.0ElectedLotario dei conti di SegniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
15 FebOrdained BishopRoger de BeaumontBishop of Saint Andrews, Scotland, Great Britain
22 Feb38.1Ordained BishopLotario dei conti di SegniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
MarAppointedRaynald Bishop of Acerenza, Italy
Ordained BishopRaynald Bishop of Acerenza, Italy
8 MarOrdained BishopEustace Bishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
27 MarDiedHugh of NonantBishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain
7 AprOrdained BishopAdhémar de PeiratBishop of Poitiers, France
30 AprAppointedDonat O’BeodaBishop of Killala, Ireland
Jun40.4AppointedKonrad von QuerfurtBishop of Würzburg, Germany
18 JunDiedGaufrido de MendinianoBishop of Gerona, Spain
21 JunOrdained BishopGeoffrey MuschampBishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain
16 JulDiedPeter de LeiaBishop of Saint David’s, Wales, Great Britain
20 Jul65.5CanonizedSt. Þorlákur Thorhallsson (Þorlákur), C.R.S.A. †Bishop of Skálholt, Iceland
AugDiedAdhémar de PeiratBishop of Poitiers, France
10 SepDiedRichard FitzNealBishop of London, England, Great Britain
16 SepSelectedWilliam of Saint Mary’s ChurchBishop of London, England, Great BritainBishop Emeritus
18 SepOrdained BishopJohn , O. Cist. †Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland
21 SepAppointedGuillaume TolomenBishop of Avranches, France
24 SepDiedJohn of CoutancesBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
3 NovAppointedPeder VognsenBishop of Aarhus (Århus), Denmark
4 NovDiedRamón de CastellterçolArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain
DecOrdained BishopRaynaud de ChâteauneufBishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), FranceBishop Emeritus
28.9AppointedUgolino dei conti di SegniCardinal-Deacon of Sant’EustachioPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
28.9Elevated to CardinalUgolino dei conti di SegniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
21 DecAppointedMaurice de BlazonBishop of Poitiers, France
24 DecDiedWilliam de VereBishop of Hereford, England, Great Britain


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