Catholic-Hierarchy DC

26th day of April

Diocese Events

See Also: Bishop Events

1831Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland Territory LostDiocese of Galway, Ireland Erected
1941Archdiocese of Québec, Canada (Canton Price) Territory LostDiocese of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada Territory Added
1958Territorial Prelature of São Peregrino Laziosi no Alto Acre e Alto Purus, Brazil Name ChangedTerritorial Prelature of Acre e Purus, Acre, Brazil Name Changed
1958Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Itaguara, Piracema, and Desterro De Entre Bios) Territory LostDiocese of Oliveira, Minas Gerais, Brazil Territory Added
1966Archdiocese of Chambéry, France
Diocese of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France
Diocese of Tarentaise, France
UnitedArchdiocese of Chambéry (-Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne-Tarentaise), France United
1968Diocese of Abancay, Peru (Grau, Antabamba, and Cotabamba) Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Chuquibambilla, Peru Erected
1977Archdiocese of Tunja, Colombia (Sagrado Corazón and del Rosario (in Chiquinquirá); Arcabuco, Borbur, Briceño, Buenavista, Caldas, Coper, Chitaraque, Gachantiva, Leiva, Moniquirá, Muzo, Maripí, Otanche, Pauna, Ráquira, Saboyá, San Miguel de Sema, San José de Pare, Santana, Santa Sofia...) Territory LostDiocese of Chiquinquirá, Colombia Erected
1977Archdiocese of Tunja, Colombia (Garagoa, Almeida, Berbeo, Chivor, Chinavi ta, Campohermoso, Guateque, Guayatá, Jenesano, La Capilla de Tenza, Los Cedros, Macanal, Miraflores, Pachavita, Páez, Ramiriquí, Rondón, San Eduardo, Santa María, San Luis de Gaceno, Somondoco, Sutatenza, Tibaná..) Territory LostDiocese of Garagoa, Colombia Erected
1991Diocese of Mbala, Zambia Name ChangedDiocese of Mbala-Mpika, Zambia Name Changed
2007Territorial Prelature of Moyobamba, Peru (Tocache) Territory LostDiocese of Huánuco, Peru Territory Added
2009Clerical Society of Virgo Flos Carmeli Approbation


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