Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Statistics by Diocese

by Name

(Click on the column title to sort by that column)
#CatholicsPopulationPercent CatholicDioceseYearSource
132,21016,472,490.20%Addis Abeba (Archdiocese)2004ap2005
3157,4175,600,0002.81%Awasa (Vicariate Apostolic)2004ap2005
424,0006,000,000.40%Emdeber (Eparchy)2004ap2005
55,000440,0001.14%Gambella (Prefecture Apostolic)2004ap2005
623,2105,700,000.41%Harar (Vicariate Apostolic)2004ap2005
711,2353,200,400.35%Jimma-Bonga (Prefecture Apostolic)2004ap2005
822,4675,855,029.38%Meki (Vicariate Apostolic)2004ap2005
942,0006,000,000.70%Nekemte (Vicariate Apostolic)2004ap2005
10198,8276,900,0002.88%Soddo-Hosanna (Vicariate Apostolic)2004ap2005

Note: The table above is generated with the most recent data available for each diocese. Dioceses with incomplete data may not appear in the table.


Copyright David M. Cheney, 1996-2005; code: v2.3.4, 17 Nov 05; data: 20 Nov 05